The New Haven Solid Waste and Recycling Authority is dedicated to achieving the most environmentally sound solid waste management and resource conservation program for the people of New Haven and surrounding communities.
To achieve this goal, the Authority works toward increased source reduction (avoiding the creation of waste), recycling, and environmentally safe recovery or disposal.
We are committed to providing strategic planning, research, education & technical assistance to the public, businesses and local governments in the furtherance of this goal.
Make Payments Online
View and pay your bills online with E-Bill Express!
Online payments allow you to pay anytime and anywhere, including on your mobile device.
Click on the MAKE A PAYMENT button to get started.
It’s easy to enroll! After setting up your secure username and password, you’ll be able to view and pay bills, as well as see your account status and payment history. NOTE: Your ID is your drivers license number.
All of your data, including payment information is securely stored and is compliant with industry best practices for data protection standards. None of our staff are able to see or access your payment accounts.
Data is updated on E-Bill Express daily to reflect your current balance.
Please note: New payment funds will be credited to your account within 48 hours.
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